When it comes to hosting there are lots of different decisions to make. When you’ve made the decision about using Cloudways, which is a great choice, and the partner within Cloudways you’re going to use, it is now time to choose the Cloudways server location.
Cloudways and their partners have lots of different server locations that can be used by your website. The decision is not a light one. The location of your server is really important.
One of the most effective reasons why your decision matters is speed. Speed is directly related to the location of your server. If your server is located on the opposite side of the world to your audience, they’re going to have a slower experience than if they were in the same area of the server. This is because it takes longer for the server to deliver the content from your website.
Speed can have a massive impact on the success of your brand. For every second that it takes for your website to load, you will lose about 7% of your website’s revenue. The average website takes somewhere between 8 and 11 seconds to load, so most website owners can lose up to 77% of their potential revenue.
By using a server closer to your main audience, you can cut loading times by 1-2 seconds. This can have a massive impact on your brand’s revenue with up to 14% higher revenues. Considering that costs aren’t often increased, this can allow you to have higher profits.
Search Rank
While speed is important, so is search rank. Rank is directly related to speed. The rank of your website on search engines, the more traffic you will get to your website. There can be a very stark difference in the traffic levels that you can get from ranking higher on Google and others. Research has shown that those ranking in the top three positions get 75% of all the traffic and those in the bottom five get about 2.5% of the traffic. This is nearly 30 times the amount for ranking in the top three positions.
Speed is vital and your rank will differ depending where the audience is based. So if you are slower to load in the US because your server is location in Asia, then your rank in the US will be less than it is in Asia. Therefore, you need to carefully consider where you want to rank your website highest.
Final Word: How to Choose the Best Cloudways Server Location
The best Cloudways server location is always going to be the location that is closest to your main audience. If, for instance, your main audience is located in the UK, then you need to get a server that is located in that country. If your audience is worldwide, then you need to think about where you would like to rank highest and get more revenue. This could be where costs are less, sales are higher or where it is easier to serve your customers. This can be a harder question, but it is something to carefully consider.