
How to Use Redis Object Cache on WordPress via Kinsta

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store. For WordPress, it can be used to help you store the values generated by WordPress’ native object cache. This allows cached objects to be reused between page loads.

This will allow for faster loading times because the browser will not need to query the MySQL database a second time for the same object. Reducing the loading times of your pages is vital. For every second that your website takes to load you’re losing about 7% of your revenue. This can be a significant amount of revenue.

Kinsta’s Redis Offering

Kinsta offers page caching built into all the sites on the platform. However, there are some sites that don’t make great use of the caching for pages. This includes some eCommerce, membership, forums and discussion boards. These can have quick changes to the website’s page content with dynamic content that requires less caching. However, Redis helps these websites to reduce loading times when caching is not an option.

However, Redis is not a great option when you’re hosting a very static website.

Adding Redis to your WordPress Website

if you would like to have Redis added to your WordPress website, follow the instructions below.

Step 1 – Contact Support

The first step is to contact Kinsta’s support team. You will need to request to have Redis added to your store. Please note that it is only those users who have billing permissions who can request this permission. This includes the Company Owners, Company Admins and Company Billing users.

Step 2 – Wait

Kinsta’s support team will then go about and install Redis onto your WordPress website. The billing team will also add the subscription to your account. The add-on is currently $100 a month per site that you’re adding the Redis to.

Step 3 – Configure

Once it has been installed onto your website, you will need to install a plugin to your website for the Redis to be integrated into your WordPress’ object caching. There are lots of options for you to choose from. Two of the most popular choices are WP Redis and Redis Object Cache.

Notes About Redis

If you have both a staging and live environment for your website, then you should delete the staging site if it is no longer needed. If you cannot delete the staging website, then you need to install Redis and the plugin to the staging website as well.

If you’re looking to discontinue your Redis subscription at any time, you may ask to have it removed from your site. This will remove the subscription from your billing at the same time. If there is an unused Redis subscription on your account, you will be offered a refund based on Kinsta’s refund policy.

Final Word: How to Use Redis Object Cache on WordPress via Kinsta

If you have a dynamic content website that is using the WordPress framework, then you might want to improve the performance of the site using Redis. This can be easily added to your WordPress website using the Kinsta support team. Follow the steps above to make this happen.

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