
How to's

Cloudways offers you a fast hosting package. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t improve the speed of your website. You can connect your Cloudways to the Cloudflare problem for extra...
If you’re looking to have a secure website, then you will need to ensure that your website is on https rather than the http. This can be a great indicator to search engines and consumers that...
The Cloudways Platform provides you with a free SSL certificate if you would like. However, you can also add your own SSL Certificate from any Certificate Authority or vendor. Once this is done you...
Websites, even those on the Cloud, have limited resources. These resources control the functions, storage and speed of the website. If you’re looking to get a website that can either have more...
Cron Jobs can be a great way to manage your website more efficiently. They allow you to have scheduled tasks completed on a more standardised time schedule without the need for manual input from you...
Viewing your application logs on Cloudways is a great way for you to find errors, debug problems, troubleshoot application-level issues and maintain your website’s health. It can also show other...
If you manage lots of websites and have the domains on a registrar, then you will need a way to control the DNS records with ease. There are time issues that make using DNS really challenging and for...
It is really important that you back up your site on Cloudways, or any other hosting platform. If something does happen to your website, or server, then you can lose all of your work and website if...
What would happen if your website was hacked? Or what could you do if there is some malicious code that was installed on your site when you’ve added a plugin or theme. Or perhaps there has been...
Cloudways is already a very fast service that allows you to have a great website that will load quickly. However, there are times when you might want to have your Cloudways WordPress website faster. ...
If you already have a WordPress website that is being hosted on another server and would like to migrate that website to a new Cloudways website. There is actually nothing that you need to do....
When it comes to hosting a website on the internet there are very few platforms that are as good as Cloudways. This is partly because there are numerous systems that are used on Cloudways. You have...